January NSLOA Newsletter

Message to all NSLOA Officials:

I wanted to send out a message to all our members to share some of the plans for the NSOLA in 2024.  The Executive is excited to improve the opportunities for members within the game of lacrosse.  2024 will see many changes in lacrosse and the organization wants to find a smooth transition through the changes.  Below you will find a list of a few items that will be happening before the season gets going.

A few items to let everyone know about

  • Website
    • All lacrosse leagues and associations will be moving over to RAMP from the current Goalline.  The NSOLA website will be updated soon.  We will be providing the membership with an update on any changes once the website has been moved over.
  • Online Game sheets
    • A new feature with RAMP is online game sheets, which most leagues will be using in 2024.  This will be a change to our pregame mechanics, but the NSOLA is working to create a smooth transition.  NSOLA will be sending out communication around procedures as we approach the season.
  • Dress Code
    • NSOLA will be developing a dress code for officials.  As professionals, it is important that we continue to present ourselves that way.  This will be part of the Development Committee’s role.  Once the policy is in draft form we will share with the membership.

The Executive plans to increase communication with the membership throughout the year.  We hope to offer opportunities for officials to bring ideas, concerns, and questions forward.  I want to thank all our members for their commitment to lacrosse.  I know at times it can be challenging, but without yourself the youth don’t get an opportunity to play. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out at any time.

Brendon Smithson

NSLOA President